Simon Senn — dSimon
simon senn

dSimon is a multimedia performance and a documentary drama involving a researcher, an artist, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Coder and AI researcher Tammara Leites trains an AI to become a writer by using all of performance artist Simon Senn’s emails, writings, and other personal information as her data set. Soon enough, the AI personality assumes the name dSimon and begins to behave increasingly grotesquely. Simultaneously, this autonomous, Frankenstein-like mishmash surprisingly demonstrates an incredibly specific knowledge about Senn’s thoughts and hopes, and even offers excellent advice on artistic practice. Uneasiness fills the human artist. The relationship between him and the AI becomes increasingly changing… What are the limits of creation and consciousness?

Fantasy and reality meet in an unprecedented form in this performance. Research evolves into a being that self-generates information.

Be Arielle F-11©ElisaLarvego

Compagnie Simon Senn
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne ▼
Le Grütli, centre de production et de diffusion des Arts Vivants – Actoral, festival international des arts et des écritures contemporaines
With the support of : Bourses culturelles de la Fondation Leenaards – Ville de Genève – Noorderzon Festival of Performing Arts & Society – Santarcangelo Festival – Loterie Romande – Mapping Festival – Master Media Design, HEAD – Genève, Haute école d’art et de design


Tour dates:

2021, performance,
haut bas